No more guessing, I went to CHA the Winter craft trade show.Jealous....,I know I was of others who went in the past.OK I went to the Summer one in Chicago a few years ago but that was smaller than the winter one. It's been on my list of things I wanted to do, like spend Christmas day on the beach in Australia,that sort of thing.....
The reason I didn't actually say I was going was I wanted to surprise some of my American friends including Sue Wilson.
I went with Denise and Jennifer from J & C Creations,who really wanted to go this year.
We found some lovely products,which I let you know about as they arrive or you can check on J & C Creation's blog.Follow the link on my blog.
Well for the first full day we went to Disneyland, nobody could believe me when I said I'd never been to a Disney anywhere.The first shock we had was that is was 80 degrees and we were walking around in t-shirts.I'm not keen on scary rides but there were plenty of others to go on including a paddle steamer.There was lots to see and plenty of Shopping to do.We had a meal in Downtown Disney,waited for an hour for this but enjoyed the people watching and listening to a violinist.Later on we saw the fireworks and then walked back to the hotel.

Just a couple of photos to leave you with, others are on J & C Creations blog.
I'll post some more tomorrow.