Today has been a day of spraying and embossing,with cosmic shimmer products of course.Found out that the shimmer mists will work on glossy card,so of course had to have a play.Sorry not a very good photo,light isn't brilliant in my work room so I have to have the light on.
Testing some new colours today for two of the cosmic shimmer ranges,I'm saying no more,except one I've been asking and pleading for.
I was looking forward to a day at the seaside this Sunday,but my daughter has decided she would like to stay another week at her friend's Nan's.Maybe next Saturday then,a least the craft shop will be open,promised to call in next time we went to the coast.
Oh well I suppose it will be housework,housework and more housework,unless I can hide in my shed and craft.There are quite a few techniques I would like to try out,maybe if I rush round Saturday I'll have time on Sunday Lol.
What shall I do now ? Cross-stitch,stamp or HOUSEWORK, I know what one I'm not doing.