I had a great time at this one, it was lovely to work with fellow demonstrators,Sam,John and of course Julia.The hours flew by.Retailers and shoppers complained of aching feet,my problem.....jaw ache,too much talking I think!! So many customers wanted to know how to make our crackers using the new template,.I couldn't disappoint them,could I.
The sample they were really interested in was the one using the "caught in crystal technique". If you go to www.creative-expressions.co.uk on the workshop link,Suzanne Saltwell has done a step by step for you.I'll hopefully post a photo soon.
There was still at lot of interest in my tissue boxes and window cards,I'm so happy these are still popular.They are great for this time of year as presents and for raising funds.Have to get my thinking cap on for another idea.
Here are a few samples I've done in the past;